
weekend on the chesapeake

This temporary move has been, so far, very ummm...what's the word?...spontaneous? unexpected? adventurous? From being told by the GPS that we "had arrived at our destination" when the location apparently didn't exist, winding roads and thick trees, a busted water heater, sketchy wifi, a one hour trip turned into three hours, and a three hour trip turned into six hours, a midnight trip to get gas for a tank that had run out, and now a leaking basement after a day of continual rain, it's been...exciting. There's definitely been a lot of "if I don't laugh, I'll cry" moments (although when people say that, I think they eventually end up doing both).

But we're game for adventure.

This weekend we went to the Chesapeake Bay to see my great aunt and uncle (here's previous posts from our first visit there a few years ago: x x x). There we took three boat rides in two days, gained a little sun on our shoulders, kayaked, grabbed some ice cream from the cutest little town, and some pizza from the restaurant on the harbor. If you follow me on instagram (which I encourage you to do, because I seem to be keeping up with it much better than this blog), you'll have seen some pictures from the weekend. Plus, I'm kinda super proud of our cheesy family hashtag for this trip ;)

So the weekend starts with an early morning departure, grabbing some Starbucks in a town we'd never seen, and getting ready for a long drive. I threw together some video clips from the weekend just for fun. (Nothing fancy, still trying to get back into using movie maker. Sorry for the blurriness in the first clip ;P)

music by The Civil Wars, Forget Me Not

Heading out for ice cream...

Speedboat ride...


Picking up pizza...

The end.


  1. haley, seriously you have such an eye for adventures. and i've confess i've totally been stalking your trip on instagram for ages now (i don't have instagram, but i faithfully stalk a few and your's is totally one of those.) you guys are just the world's cutest. and i just love all of these so much!
    this makes my heart long for sea water again.

  2. Lovely. Your photos and video make me yearn for more adventure in my life ( which is saying something because im quite full already). Hope your summer has been good. I took some footage over the summer but unfortunatly cant download movie maker. Gah. Anyway. Ive never been to the sea. The flying hair and churning water is amazing.

  3. Fantastic photos! Made me want to visit the east coast :) What kind of camera do you use?

  4. Your family is the cutest ever <3

  5. meep, I'm not sure if my first comment went through..! But I just wanted to say that I just found your blog and it is lovely and perfect, the video is precious. It looks like you all had a lovely trip.
